Friday, I spent time with my uncle that was visiting from Philly and worked a bit in the afternoon. G got home earlier than usual from work and we decided to swing by our friend’s bike shop to drop off some parts for a build he is working on and visit. One of my other buddies was there as well. There is always someone to shoot the shit with at your local bike shop. Good to feel a part of it even though I am so removed. Feeling good, we decided to go out for sushi. Saturday was hot but there was still a breeze so we decided to pack up our lunch and head to the park for a picnic. We went to a local park, which does not require a lot of walking so just right for me to stick to my doctor’s orders. I enjoyed the change of scenery. My sister joined us for dinner that night. I actually cooked! Nothing too over the top but it felt good to make dinner for my family. I should have taken a photo but we ate it too fast.
Tomorrow I have a follow up appointment with Dr. B. Hopefully I am still in the clear to go to Maine. I would be crushed if she told me no. I am still very much in limbo while I wait to start my chemo treatments. Hoping that all is healing as planned this time so I can get this party started. The sooner I start the sooner I finish. My goal is to be finished chemo treatments before Christmas.
I always check out the NY Times health section and today, I see this short to the point article. Life on two wheels is not only more fun, but it’s good for you ladies!