Wildtree Herbs -Chipotle Lime Chicken |
It's days like today that I feel so grateful for the simple pleasures in life. As days go..not so bad. Work was broken up nicely by lunch with a couple friends. The rain kept threatening it's arrival so I decided to stick closer to home for my evening ride. My legs were feeling tired today and normally that would be a sign to take a day off and rest. Nothing is "normal" these days and I have that voice in my head that says.."Your legs can rest in two weeks. Go ride your bike" good thinking. Met a friend at the trail and off we went. The skies stayed gray but the rain never fell on us. 20 minutes into the ride, the legs start to warm up and the buzz starts to set in and I start to forget about my problems. Just another fantastic evening in the woods. Back home to cook the Chipotle Lime Chicken that's marinating in the fridge. New rub from my Wildtree Herbs that I had to try and it was an instant favorite in our home this evening. Yes, the simple pleasures.
mmmm....picture good, but does not convey the most excellent flavor.