I woke up Sunday morning not feeling
much better than the day before. My head was still stuffy and I had
developed a cough. I had a really good night rest so decided to
stick with the plan and head up to the race. I planned on just using
this event as training anyway. I told myself that I would
not over do it and if for any reason I felt sick, I would stop. It
is a hard thing to do when you are out there but I have hurt myself in this
type of heat before. It ended badly with lots of puking and
chills, so I had no interest in reenacting that nightmare.
I made some green juice for G and I
and we were off to the race.
It was already 78 degrees at 8:00 in
the morning so we knew it was going to be a long hot day.
The heat and coughing just added to
my normal list of issues I now have to deal with since surgery and
treatments. The heat just makes these issues worse- my ankles aching
and arm tightening- I am sick of even talking about it so I am sure you all are
sick of reading about it. I am just starting
to understand how to accept it- but I am not there yet.
Racing is as much mental as it is
physical. A week ago, I actually felt like I could have done well in
this race but you just never know until you start pedaling that
day. I felt pretty good heading into the woods. I tried
not to get carried away with the freight train of ‘sport’ class men that
passed me on the trail. I just tried to find my own grove and settle in and let
people pass when it was safe to do so.
It was not 45 minutes into the race
when I heard my guy yell out- ‘is that my wonder woman?”. I
knew he would catch up to me so it was nice to hear his voice. We
actually ended up riding most of the race together and having a good
time. We both were struggling with the heat and the same
cold. For the record, he gave it to me.
It was during the 4th lap that I was starting to feel like a 5th lap could potentially bury me. G was having the same feeling so we both decided to end our race after 4 laps- 43 miles.
It was during the 4th lap that I was starting to feel like a 5th lap could potentially bury me. G was having the same feeling so we both decided to end our race after 4 laps- 43 miles.
I thought for sure I was last, so we
decided not to hang around in the blazing heat and headed home. I
was surprised to hear that I was not last and actually got 6th place. My
lap times were not impressive by any means and while I did not cramp or overly
fatigue myself- I still did not feel like I had a good performance but it did
feel pretty good not to be last.
I could have gone further that day,
I know I could have but I didn’t want to completely deplete my body so that I
could not function the rest of the week. Another lap could have put
me in a world of hurt and it just was not worth it. I felt pretty
good Monday morning and I know that if I had pushed myself that would not be
the case.
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Even my phone had enough of the heat! |
The more I think about it and the
more I critique my race- the more I get mad about Sundays race and the races
since my cancer diagnosis. I am my own worst critic- I want to summon
my race performances before my diagnosis.
I cannot help but get angry at
cancer for setting me back so far from my competitors.
I am racing now with women that I
used to beat or had a chance of beating and they are crushing me. It
is so humbling.
I line up on the start line
and think that I am lucky to even be there. I think how these girls
have no idea how hard it is for me to get back up to the strength that I have
today. I may look the part but truly, I am a long ways away from
being in the top 3 of a race. I have to allow my body to come back
on its own which is not easy because it involves patience on my part.
I know that I have to get out of
this mind set because it really is not helping me race any
I am not as down on me as this sounds, but these are
the voices in my head. It is hard some days to tune them out.
I have settled into this place that
is very unfamiliar to me and I do not like it any more.
Next up is the Darkhorse 40 in 1
month and I would like to have a good result.
In the meantime, it is July 4 and
the summer is flying by. We are off to Maine for a long weekend of
visiting G’s family and some friends of ours in Portland.
Have a safe and happy 4th of